Monday, January 23, 2012

Landscape Unit

In our second unit we learned about landscapes. We first learned about Auto Van Gogh before we began our unit. We were taught about how his paintings were so unique and different from other artists at his time.
~~On my first landscape I tried to pick some complementary colors after we learned about them. 
So for this image I wanted to use orange and purple. So for the mountains in the distance
I used purple and highlighted the ridges grey. In the distance I made the
sky orange to give the effect of a setting sun. I tried my best to obey the rule
of thirds like we had been taught. For the front I also decided to add a field of wheat
with what I would imagine is either a small pond or a fraction of a larger body of water.~~

~~In the second landscape we were asked to add figures projecting shadows. For this I 
decided to add trees that weren't normal. With them I added shadows. I tried to make 
it so it seemed like a setting sun.~~

~~On the third landscape image we had to use photoshop and use different images. For 
my image I combined a radiant sunset with desert sands. I was originally going to 
combine two completely similar types of images, but I later decided that these
two images somehow seemed complimentary to each other.~~

~~The last image of our landscape unit was an Auto Van Gogh of one of our 
previous images. So I decided to choose my first image because it was my favorite.~~


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